CBD ComPassion
(Feminized + Photoperiod)CBD Compassion – Dutch Passion CBD Compassion® is a Sativa dominant CBD-rich variety made by crossing a Nepalese strain with an un-named sativa. Ratio of CBD:THC is between 1:1 and 4:1. Usually the CBD is present in greater quantities than THC. Plants grow to medium height and offer medium/above average yields of resinous and aromatic cannabis. At the end the leaves show long slender fingers.
e. It’s a smooth, anti-anxiety experience which allows you to function well with pain relief and tranquility. This is the most sativa influenced CBD variety in our collection, which affects bloom time. Indoors, she is ready to harvest after 9-11 weeks, outdoors she is ready to harvest in November.
All written and visual material is intended for information and educational purposes only.
THC & CBD products are not medicines and cannot diagnose, treat, or cure diseases. Always consult your own doctor before starting a new dietary program.
Our seeds are intended for preservation for collectors and as souvenirs. Read more